Amon Rappaport | Chief Communications Officer - California State Polytechnic University

client stories Jul 07, 2021

Amon was at a crossroads in his career and wanted help in defining his next step and what success looked like in that future role too.


I’d left a role with a marketing agency and was trying to determine my next career move, and whether to stay in the agency world or go back to an in-house communication leader role.


At a previous time in my career it had been really pivotal to work with Shannon through her Shift Careers + Land the Job program on defining my unique value proposition and really hone in on what makes me unique, what I offer, and how to express that.

"We did some exercises around my traits, my values and my key strengths, and then completely redid my resume, using all of that as guidance."

I then went through the process of applying for jobs or interviewing for jobs, and Shannon helped me land the job at the agency where I stayed for several more years. And then, four years later, when I was ready for this next transition, I worked with Shannon again. We had obviously done that foundational work but as I interviewed and positioned myself for new opportunities, including landing the job I have now, she was a coach, a guide and a counsellor all along the way.


I landed the job I have now as Chief Communications Officer at Cal Poly Pomona. At that point Shannon switched gears again, helping me to ensure I was going to be successful in this role with further leadership coaching and ongoing sessions. It’s been a real important shift in how I orient myself and definitely part of why I feel I've been successful at this job, two years in.

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