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Five Steps to Landing a Board Role
With ESG insight in high demand across global boards, there's rarely been a better time to consider taking a seat at an organisation's top table. But how should you go about it? Seeking out a spot on a company’s board of directors is a solid career development move....
Latest Insights
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”- African...
In a previous post, I argued the merits of being a purpose-driven worker and outlined how to...
A couple of months ago I delivered the Keynote speech at Hitachi's WIN Summit for Women in...
Network at events for great opportunities to develop new relationships and broaden business...
I can't believe that we have almost come to the end of our first group career coaching session....
Is a Masters or MBA in Sustainability Worth It?
Are you considering going back to school but...
This is the networking book for the non-networker! In 31 short, targeted chapters, author Keith...
Last week I hosted a workshop at the Impact Hub in London on how to create a killer pitch and...
Net Impact & Toyota have teamed up to create a personal impact award. Five winners will be...
Shannon has been invited by the Acre Bench to share her tips on how to build a personal brand and...
Creating, marketing, and learning how to leverage personal brand is key to finding a new...
There's nothing worse than crossing the path of an important client or work connection, and...
Unite To Ignite Scalable Change
A private space for senior sustainability & ESG professionals to accelerate your professional development and solve pressing challenges with peers

As an ICF-PCC certified executive coach, Shannon was selected as a Meta Coach to teach on Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence Coach Certification course. PCC credential holders are trained, experienced coaches with a commitment to high ethical standards. Shannon is also certified in Harrison Assessments, The GameChanger Index, and Korn Ferry's ESCI 360.
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