Featured Blog Posts

7 trends set to shape corporate sustainability in 2024

From the landmark deal struck at COP28 to the green light given for new global reporting requirements and the steady emergence of a new ‘green-collar’ workforce, 2023 proved a big year for corporate sustainability.

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What does it take to be CSO? Top skills

A great CSO is someone who can think like a combination of CMO, CFO, early stage entrepreneur, politician, and top strategy consultant, and very specifically understand and apply that to the culture at hand....

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Five Steps to Landing a Board Role

With ESG insight in high demand across global boards, there's rarely been a better time to consider taking a seat at an organisation's top table. But how should you go about it? Seeking out a spot on a company’s board of directors is a solid career development move....

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Latest Insights

How to keep your networks alive without seeming pushy personal branding & networking

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”- African...

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Release your potential and realize your purpose personal branding & networking

In a previous post, I argued the merits of being a purpose-driven worker and outlined how to...

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Impact your career with a purpose statement personal branding & networking

A couple of months ago I delivered the Keynote speech at Hitachi's WIN Summit for Women in...

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Network at events for maximum impact personal branding & networking

Network at events for great opportunities to develop new relationships and broaden business...

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Tips for job seeking through the holidays career change personal branding & networking resume & cover letter

I can't believe that we have almost come to the end of our first group career coaching session....

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Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time personal branding & networking

This is the networking book for the non-networker! In 31 short, targeted chapters, author Keith...

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Know your audience. Know yourself. - How to write a killer pitch and profile personal branding & networking resume & cover letter

Last week I hosted a workshop at the Impact Hub in London on how to create a killer pitch and...

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Shannon enters Net Impact & Toyota's Personal Impact Competition personal branding & networking

Net Impact & Toyota have teamed up to create a personal impact award. Five winners will be...

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Shannon speaks to entrepreneurs on how to build a personal brand using social media personal branding & networking

Shannon has been invited by the Acre Bench to share her tips on how to build a personal brand and...

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Leverage your personal brand to land your dream job and dream date career change linkedin personal branding & networking

Creating, marketing, and learning how to leverage personal brand is key to finding a new...

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Ten tips to land your dream job in a 30-second elevator pitch career change job search resources personal branding & networking

There's nothing worse than crossing the path of an important client or work connection, and...

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Unite To Ignite Scalable Change

A private space for senior sustainability & ESG professionals to accelerate your professional development and solve pressing challenges with peers


As an ICF-PCC certified executive coach, Shannon was selected as a Meta Coach to teach on Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence Coach Certification course. PCC credential holders are trained, experienced coaches with a commitment to high ethical standards. Shannon is also certified in Harrison Assessments, The GameChanger Index, and Korn Ferry's ESCI 360.

Our Pledge

We plant trees with Ecologi

We plant one tree for every hour of coaching sold, dating back to 2008 when the business was founded.


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