Innovate from within

job market insights personal branding & networking video - tips Mar 03, 2017

Video Transcript:

Hi, I'm Shannon Houde, founder and career coach at Walk of Life Consulting. Today I'm going to talk to you about being a corporate social entrepreneur.

So a recent client of mine is a great example of how you can make this happen. He was working in business development within a big bank and wanted to work in the energy sector. So he championed a global corporate energy program within the bank on top of his day job, and that allowed him to have content on his TV to transition into getting a business development role within one of the leading innovators in the energy sector in the US and abroad, called Opower.

So think about what you can do to champion either a social or environmental program within your business where you are now, as a way to leverage a transition into a more sustainability focused role. But also you can think about the fact that a lot of the sustainability roles don't even have that word in their title. That actually, if you're sitting in marketing or procurement, you might be actually doing sustainability, but it's not in your title. So, as this agenda gets more embedded into our companies and to our strategies, we're going to see more and more that the specific separate roles aren't going to exist as much.

So another benefit of being a CFE is that we're seeing in the jobs market, a lot of roles for sustainability are being filled from within companies. This is because companies think that they can actually teach the sustainability bits, but they want you as a candidate to know their products, their service, their stakeholders, their competitors and their sector. They want you to have that commercial knowledge and then be able to put on your innovation hat around sustainability.

So if you're an innovator and you're on the inside of an organization, you might want to even change your job title to be corporate social entrepreneur. Good luck implementing social and environmental change from the inside.

Thank you.


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