How do you celebrate your achievements?

emotional intelligence video - tips Dec 19, 2022

Video Transcript:

Hello, hello.

Do you track your achievements? i.e. Do you wait until December and start thinking what did I accomplish this year? And maybe in January, start to set your goals for the coming year? Or do you think about this more often?

Do you celebrate what you've achieved in a month, in a week and in a day?

So I often do to "gratefuls" at the dinner table with my boys saying what I'm grateful for for that day. But I've now started doing something weekly called Champion Me.

And this is partially because my Dad passed away last year and he was my biggest champion, he celebrated all of my small and big achievements in life. And without him I'm finding there's a bit of a gap. So my therapist and I decided it'd be good just to weekly write down what I achieved that week.

So I started today and it felt really good. And some of the things were kind of small and some were actually bigger than I had realized they'd be. But it felt really good to start that list and just record it every week. A few things one, two, three. It could be big, can be small.

So join me, if you would, in a Champion Me journey or venture together and let me know how it goes. And hopefully I'll see you in the new year with lots of new goals set for the coming months.

Happy holidays and see you soon.

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