Haley Lowry | Global Sustainability Director - Dow

client stories Jul 07, 2021
Haley Lowry

Hayley was looking to refresh her online profile to better reflect her nearly 20 years of experience at Dow. Her work with Shannon through our Shift Careers program had some unexpected consequences too though, such as being approached by headhunters.


I'm the Global Sustainability Officer at Dow, responsible for circularity and carbon within the packaging and specialty plastics business. I've been with the company for about 17 years and so my main challenge was on how to update my LinkedIn to reflect how my job had evolved over the years.


Many people in the sustainability space have seen this evolution in our roles. From when I first started, where sustainability was in addition to my marketing job, it has evolved to being a top three agenda item for the CEO and CIO.

Shannon really helped me work on updating my LinkedIn based on this evolution.

"She helped me work on key accomplishment statements of what had been delivered. I remember it so distinctly because I use it in interviewing candidates now."

I would start to explain a project or an outcome and she would tell me to drill down on what were the valuable pieces that I specifically delivered to get to that result. That was extremely beneficial and eye opening to me and something that I didn't even recognise that I wasn't doing and explaining my LinkedIn or, or on my profile.

She really stuck to that process of thinking through three accomplishment statements and building that in and identifying the differences between the different LinkedIn sections.

It gave me more encouragement to think through how to build it appropriately. She approached things in a very fresh way and she has a very solid pulse on what's happening within the sustainability field.


I was able to expand my network for more unique connections and that resulted in different speaking opportunities such as at LinkedIn Live’ and at South by Southwest. I was also approached by several headhunters, both for VP and CSO type roles and while they were not a good fit for me, it allowed me to test my value outside of the company.

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